Project Resources
DART Reimagined Final Report
State of the System Report
As part of the DART Reimagined Transit Study, DART conducted a comprehensive State of the System review analyzing DART’s markets and services. Click below to view a summary of the State of the System as well as the full, final Report.
- State of the System Summary – English
- State of the System Summary – Spanish
- Final State of the System Report
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the DART Reimagined Transit Study?
DART Reimagined was a year-long statewide transit study led by the Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC). The study evaluated the current DART First State transit system and studied how riders are currently using the system and where they need access now and into the future. The study identified opportunities to reconfigure the bus network and future service plan to provide a more sustainable and equitable statewide transit system.
What is the Delaware Transit Corporation?
The Delaware Transit Corporation (DTC) led the DART Reimagined project and is the operator for Delaware’s statewide transit system, DART First State. The mission of DTC is to connect you to what matters – every ride, every customer, every day. DTC is a division of the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT).
Why are we Reimagining DART?
The last study of DART ridership was conducted almost a decade ago. As the state of Delaware continues to diversify and its transit needs, commuting landscapes, and priorities evolve, a consistent and coordinated effort to improve the transit system is necessary. DTC remains committed to its mission and is conducting the DART Reimagined Transit Study to identify system improvements that better accommodate riders.
How were members of the public involved in the study?
The DART Reimagined project team engaged and collaborated with communities, riders, stakeholders, and businesses throughout 2023. The team provided opportunities for input in several ways:
- Held seven Stakeholder Committee meetings with over 90 stakeholders from across the state of Delaware
- Disseminated a Customer Survey in spring 2023 that received over 2,400 responses
- Hosted or attended 27 outreach events across the state
- Held five Community Workshops, four in-person in New Castle County, Kent County, Sussex County, and the City of Wilmington, and one virtually
How did DART Reimagined address sustainability?
DTC is committed to providing public transit service that protects and preserves the environment with every trip on DART services and every dollar invested in green technology.
Did you only look at buses?
DART Reimagined coordinated with existing planning efforts throughout the region. The study examined possible improvements to and/or implementation of various modes of transportation. Any common themes or topics that arose over the course of the study were addressed and thoroughly explored by the project management team. Ultimately, the study led to a comprehensive State of the System report consisting of an overview of the transit system and market assessment, trends in transportation and land use, and gaps, issues and opportunities for an improved overall system for the State of Delaware.
How did DART Reimagined address equity?
The study not only examined where riders are currently going and where they want to go in the future, but also which areas most rely on service. DART Reimagined provided recommendations for adding new and/or expanding existing bus routes and other transit services to assist riders with connecting to the places (work, school, healthcare or leisure) they need to go.
DART views mobility as a right and will work to identify and serve vulnerable populations with better access and transportation options. Our goal is for DART to be an accessible, fair, and inclusive transit system that serves the needs of all its riders regardless of their background, identity or where they live in the state.
DART Reimagined was heavily centered around public and stakeholder engagement to help achieve this goal.
How were members of the Executive Advisory Committee selected?
Executive Advisory Committee (EAC) members were selected by Delaware Transit Corporation leadership to help develop key elements of the study and provide policy-level guidance. This group consisted of 14 statewide representatives who shared diverse perspectives, provided insights on policy decisions and community impacts, and championed outcomes.
What are the next steps for implementation?
Recommendations were incorporated into an implementation plan that describes specific improvement strategies, what they are intended to achieve, how they will work together, and benefits for the community. This plan includes a timeline and preliminary, high-level assessment of the operating and capital implications for fleet, bus stops, facilities, staffing, and service hours.
Previous Studies
DART has previously conducted various studies examining the state of its system. Each study produced data that informed recommendations for short- and long-term planning initiatives.

The State Smart Transportation Initiative (SSTI)
August 2013
SSTI audited Wilmington bus services and examined policy level recommendations and funding opportunities. This study resulted in:
- The Wilmington Transit Center
- Bus rapid transit funding opportunities
- City-sponsored mobility tax

Wilmington Transit Moving Forward
August 2014 – July 2016
The two-phase Wilmington Transit Moving Forward study set recommendations and priorities for Wilmington transit service in short- and long-terms. This study resulted in:
- A comprehensive operations analysis
- Recommendations for improvements in key locations and services

Transit Redesign Implementation Plan
January 2015
The Transit Redesign Implementation Plan provided an outline of key issues and programs throughout the DTC system. This study resulted in recommendations for improvements to:
- ADA-compliant bus stops
- Pedestrian access
- Fares & new services
- Fixed routes
- Infrastructure
DART to conduct comprehensive study on services (December 1, 2022)
DelDOT proposes modest budget increase, raises prospect of major DART changes (February 1, 2023)
Del. Transit officials asking for public input in the DART Reimagined project (March 30, 2023)
Delaware Transit Corp. seeks input on ‘DART Reimagined’ (March 31, 2023)
DART First State wants your thoughts on future of mass transit in state (March 31, 2023)
DART is looking for public input on current system and needed improvements (April 2, 2023)
Delaware Transit Corporation seeking public input (April 6, 2023)